
Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Butts & Guts

The holiday madness is upon us...Its time to keep my eye on the prize and Stay focused on my goals!  I love Thanksgiving, After all...What fat girl doesn't??? My mom has got to be the best cook I know and at Thanksgiving she pulls out all the stops! She cooks enough to feed an army and of course its all of my FAV FOODS! I don't want to have to eat like Im on a "diet" on Thanksgiving Day. I want to be able to enjoy myself without worries of the dreaded scale.  

Noooo...Im not saying, I plan to throw all balls to the wall and eat like Im dying of starvation all day long…But what I am saying is I will in moderation enjoy whatever I want to eat…Turkey, Roast, Corn, Rolls, Pecan Pie, free flowing Wine, etc.  I don't want to ever feel like I have to "deprive" myself to look and feel a certain way.  Truth is...I live to eat! I love to eat!  This is the reason I work so hard every other day of the year, to LIVE, to be able to enjoy myself. And I plan on doing just that! If your thinking, this sounds alot like my inner fat girl talking? NO! The difference bw the old me and the new me is,  I plan to work out hard and consistently over the holidays and every other day of the year.  Key is not to let everything fall apart just because ‘tis the season' and with that in mind, the plan is to work out HARDER over the holidays!  
Bust Our Butts & Fill Our Guts!!

After enjoying myself so much last weekend...I decided I wanted to continue the party and have a little fun with my workouts this week. Chad got me a 7 day pass at a gym near work that Chad, Amanda & Mike all go to at lunch every day & I hit it up! I wanted to try out machines that my gym doesn't have and Just have fun gettin it in!

Over the last week, Ive had done my best to Make it Count! 
The goal last week was a simple one...Get Yo Body MOVIN! 
This is how I measured up:
Monday: Gym Row-A-Thon: 5000/meters in 26min
Tuesday: OFF!
Wednesday: Gym Bk & Bi's & Treadmill 2 miles in 25min
Thursday: OFF!
Friday: Gym Leg Day
Saturday: 1hr skating + 4 hrs of line dancing & droppin it low..low..low…
Sunday: 2hr family walk through the zoo
Monday: Gym Chest & Tri’s

I have felt more sore from this one week of workouts than I have in MONTHS and through the pain..I am loving it! No Pain...No Gain...Right? :D

Here are a few pics from this week’s workout fun...
 *I accept Shannon’s Challenge and will post my Tday food pics next week…
But prepare yourself for the yummy goodness!

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!! Enjoy the day of FFF:Family, Food & Fun!  


  1. 1. you look BEAUTIFUL in that sexy black dress!
    2. i might have to hire Chad to be my personal trainer!
    3. i totally agree that to be fit, tone and bust your a-double-s doesn't mean that you can't ENJOY life!!!!!

  2. 1. TY! <3 U! U da best!
    2. You should! Or I can give you the routine..Its awesome!
    3. Got to live a little.. :D

  3. Good job Nicole!! You're doing AWESOME!! I haven't workout out since last Monday :(

    You look GREAT!! Keep it up!!

    I'll be taking pictures of my food on Thanksgiving day too!
