
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Gobbled Until I Wobbled

This week has simply been a joke for me (exercise wise). As for Turkey Day, I did really well. The days that follow… that’s when the joke was REALLY on me! After doing so well on Thursday, one would think that it would be motivation in its self… that would be a no. I ate more Friday thru Sunday than I usually do in a week! Below is my picture of my Thanksgiving Day food.

So this week I have a goal just as I do every week but this week is different. Different how you ask… I don’t know. Just different. Goals for this week:

1.     Start juicing again – DONE! Juiced 3 apples and 9 strawberries for some yummy breakfast goodness and that’s 4 servings of fruit already today.
2.     Get back on the water train.
3.     Get in at LEAST 4 work outs from now until Tuesday.
There is absolutely NO reason why I can’t get these VERY simple goals in. I need to just get my will power in check!

As for workouts, I need some additives to my days. I think my buddy Nicole alternates with weights and cardio (chime in any second Nicole). What is your workout routine? Do you do the same stuff week after week? How often do you change your routine?


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  2. I <3 Different!!! Great Reasonable Goals!
    Well..Up till a few months ago my routine was 95% cardio! Wed/Th Tone & Burn class was only time I got in wkouts w weights. LOVE THAT CLASS! Last few months Ive been adding some weight/machine training. Not always sticking to this but kinda using this guideline. That trainer Chad so kindly set up: M:Chest&Triceps W:Back&Biceps F:Leg Day
    Tues & Thursdays & Weekends are CARDIO days! And My motto is EVERYDAY is an AB day! I don't think you can ever do enough for my ab flab! So in bw sets on the machines on M, W & F I will switch it up and do wk on the ab bench or do 30sec-1min planks! PLANK(ing) is the BEST thing you can do for you ABS!!!! You can do it on your hands, my way is on elbows, or if you wanna get fancy w it you can go bk and forth from hands down to elbow..bk up to hand...etc..Either way you choose it is Excellent Ab and full body Core workout! You will feel it the next day! :D

    1. could you (or trainer Chad) hook a sista up with the MWF stuff that you do?!?!!?!? i think that one of the reasons that i end up NOT going to the gym is because it's the same ole same ole.

  3. Yes! I will ask Chad to write it down. I make my own list, like the ones I do in notepad and post pics of in blog, but I make up my own name for the machines lol..

  4. Every day is a cardio day for me. I switch it up between rowing, elliptical, and treadmill. Going to start adding in the stairclimber this coming week. I do an hour and a half total but never 100% of the time on the same thing. The last half hour is strictly the pool b/c it's not like exercise at all and it is very relaxing to be in the water. For the first hour it's rowing then elliptical or, like this week, treadill for walk/run intervals, elliptical, then swimming.

    1. You are doing awesome, Rockin it! So proud of you! Cardio is the key for shedding the lbs!! :D

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  6. PS: If you are finding it hard to get to the gym and you wanna do something...Hit me up and I will join you in the am at the track!!! :D

  7. Nicole is right, you got the formula and you ROCKING it!

    lol, if i could DRAG my butt out i would be there... it's the getting up that's been getting me lately!!!!!!
