
Monday, November 26, 2012

Thanksgiving Break Hangover

Thanksgiving 2012 is officially over...and I'm kinda sad about it.  I had a nice long break from work and today I am back at work.  Relaxing didn't happen and I'm still fighting off this funk that started last Sunday.  One day my nose is runny, the next day I'm stuffed up...annoying!!  Factor in my monthly visitor that arrived while on vacation and you see how my holiday went.  My mom and step dad came to town for a visit and stayed at my house. It's always great to have them around, but it's always hard when they leave because we never know when we'll get to see them again.  Today I'm in a funky mood, I'm exhausted, and it's raining outside.  All reasons for me to want to go back to bed! 

So let's recap on how I did this past week:

No official workout b/c I was sick. BUT, I spent the day walking the lakefront, playing at the park, and running up and down the levees with my nephew.  I was exhausted by the evening time!

3.1 miles rowing
2 miles on elliptical
30 minutes in the pool

3.1 miles rowing
2 miles on elliptical
Went to the local park and threw the football for an hour. 

I took Turkey Day OFF!  I cooked, I cleaned, I cooked, I cleaned, and I ate (responsibly).  I was SO EXHAUSTED by the end of the day.  Then I hit up 9 p.m. Target deals and scored a $200 camera for $99.

No exercise.  I shopped til I dropped, scored some cute shirts and a pair of earrings at JC Penneys.

Went fishing with my step dad from 7 a.m. til 1:30.  After fishing we grabbed lunch and then went to the local park and threw the football for an hour. 

1 mile warmup rowing
1 mile treadmill walk/run intervals
30 minutes in the pool

THAT'S A GRAND TOTAL OF 12.2 EXERCISE MILES FOR THE WEEK! This total does NOT include 1 hour of swimming for the week. 
My workouts were less than stellar but I'm proud of the workouts I did do and I'm proud that, despite not making it to the gym while family was in town, I stayed active. 

My goals for this week are simple:  Gym every day.  Lots of water.  Early to bed (to try and makeup for the lack of sleep). 

Thanksgiving Challenge
So how did everyone do for the Thanksgiving challenge?  Here are my pics!
LUNCH:  A sampling of turkey breast, sweet potato casserole, mac-n-cheese, homemade stuffing,
 steamed carrots, and a side salad with homemade dressing.  1 roll. Water for drink. 

DINNER:  Mashed potatoes, stuffing, mac-n-cheese, 2 pieces of baked ham, and a roll. 
I didn't eat all the potatoes or ham.
I DID have dessert, but failed to photograph it. =(   I had a small piece of banoffee pie after lunch (Steph has a picture of what it looks like), and I had some breadpudding that my sister made after dinner.  I went to photograph the breadpudding after the fact, b/c I forgot to photograph it when I ate it, but it was all gone!  Ugh.
December is almost upon us and I am getting excited!  The Heads Up program starts in January and they are going to call me some time in December to schedule my January appointment. I'm just ready to get started!   
I hope y'all had a great holiday!  Buckle up, we've got another holiday right around the corner! 

I'll leave you with a photo of my house (I have since added beautiful Christmas garland framing my front door), and a photo of my Christmas tree:  a REAL 7 foot Douglas Fir, decorated in gold and blue.  It makes my house smell wonderful! 

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