
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

2 down, 3 to go!


As for exercise, I haven’t been able to work out since the 17th because my two itty-bitties weren’t feeling well through the Christmas holiday. =( BUT I am down an extra 1.2 lbs from last week so that puts me at 170 lbs even but my goal is 167 by January 1st. =)


Even though I didn’t do well at all with exercise, I was able to stay close to my weight watchers point numbers and that resulted in the 1.2lb loss.


Anyhow, I had a wonderful Christmas with my family! HOPE EVERYONE ELSE DID!!!



  1. WOW!!!! That is an AWESOME week! Way to go my girl! I let the holiday ruin me...I ate and ate and ate and...YUP GAINED! Iam so proud of your loss! WHOOOTIE WHOOO!!!
