
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

20 days till the NEW YEAR!!!

So, Like I mentioned last week, I joined the gym w Chad, Amanda & Mike.  The gym @ lunch routine is working out really well.!!! I love knowing I have a set time everyday I know I will be able to go and get it in...And it doesn't mean waking up at the butt crack of dawn...Or taking me away from family time, homework, studying, cooking, having dinner w friends or whatever else goes on in the afternoons. Its quick and dirty and over with in less than an hour, Works for me! This is the first week in idk how long that I have only had one real day off. And even then, Sunday consisted of lots of shopping/walking and I even took a little walk down our street w Bella & her baby in the baby stroller :D I am LOVING this feeling of accomplishment!  I am surly noticing all the soreness from these work outs, hopefully I will start to notice the physical difference in my body & maybe..just maybe..On the scale! That being said, here is the breakdown/pics of my week...   
Monday->Gym:Chest & Triceps
Tuesday->Gym:Cardio/Treadmill 1mi./9:58&StairMaster10mins=38Floors=103.2Cals
Thursday->Cardio/Ran 2.53mi./25:34mins
Saturday->CrossFit &ChristmasNOaks Race/2miles +Wlk through ChristmasNOaks
Sunday-> Day of rest...
This weekend was the Christmas in the Oaks Race with the family (pics above). I was very proud to be out there w my babies walking our first race together as a family. Its super important to me to not only focus on my own healthier lifestyle but to create that for my kids. Getting the kids (esp C) to eat healthy is NOT an easy task but one thing I can promote is keeping them ACTIVE! I feel like thats a start. They did pretty good, CJ complained the whole time but he kept moving forward and thats all that matters. Bella was a champ! She walked/ran and occasionally took breaks riding in her stroller but she had fun...And that brings a smile to my face! We caught up w Amanda, Hannah & Kinsley around the mile 1 mile marker and we walked the 2nd mile with them.

I am setting a personal goal to loose AT LEAST 5 lbs by Jan1st! 
 Anyone want to join me? What goal are you setting to do by Jan 1st?

I know all the band-wagoners will go crazy come Jan 1. The gyms will be packed with people again and everyone will start setting all there list of goals for the year, Which is great but I just feel with this being the holiday season...I am kinda doomed to pack on weight UNLESS I choose the other path of not letting this be a time to slack just bc its the holidays. So, that's why I'm setting this goal. I need & want to get over this hump and I don't feel like waiting around till the New Yr to start making things happen! My 5 lb goal may seem like a small one but I have been pretty active for the last 8 months and my weight has been at a stand still! Mainly due to my eating, Im sure...But like I said..     20 days..Balls to the Wall...WE CAN DO THIS! Who's In?  

 I will post a pic of the scale, for accountability, each week. 
This mornings weight: 181.4 
You don't have to do what Im doing or how Im doing it, the goal is just that...To set a goal & GO FOR IT! Good Luck! :D I added the pic of Amanda & I in the Photos page.
Ive also added our family Christmas Pictures to my page. 
Enjoy & Merry Christmas!! 0</:)}


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Loving the collages!

    I am IN on your challenge...this will be fun!

    Wish my gym was closer that I could go at lunch but being downtown, nothing is close for me to be able to get to it at lunch. I love MAC though, and it sounds a lot like your gym (raquetball, basketball, etc.) Do y'all have a pool?

    I just need to be the early bird that I know I am. Weird that on a Saturday I can get up at the butt crack of dawn but let it be Monday-Friday, no chance. That's gonna change...I like showering before work so working out beforehand gives me a very good reason to shower in the a.m.

    Keep up the good work!


    1. It will be fun..just something to work towards.

      I don't think it has a pool although i declined the full tour so IDK for sure. I find new stuff every time i go. I know they have hot tubs.
