
Thursday, December 27, 2012

I Had A Dream...

...that I was SKINNY!  It felt great - while it lasted.  It did give me a surge of motivation. In my dream, which I can't even remember what it was about, I was super toned and healthy.  I was sad, however, when I woke up to find my rolly polly self lying in bed and not the healthy and fit me I had been in my dreams.  One day I WILL be that woman!
I am excited for the new year. I don't ever remember being so excited this time of year.  So many goals that I want to reach and am excited to reach.  I can not wait to see the person I am meant to be.
I went on my walk today.  It was COLD.  I believe it was about 46 degrees.  Normally, I would have told myself that skipping is justified because if the temperature, but not anymore!  I had my peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch today.  Held me over ok until dinner.  I made spaghetti and meat sauce and only ate about half of what I used to suck down.  Yay me!  Small victories, but they feel so good.
I procrastinated with this posting, so I'm doing it from my phone (didn't feel like breaking out the laptop) and it's kind of hard to see what I'm typing.  So, until next time...


  1. GREAT job buddy! it's great that YOU can see the things that need to change to make waves becuase until YOU see it, it won't be done! CONGRATS for your victories!!!!!

  2. Wow so wise Steph! And so true, I couldn't agree more! Courtney Im glad you went out and got your walk in! One day at a time, small victories add up to BIG ones! Keep it up! :)

  3. If you devote time and efforts to your body, your body will pay you back by being good looking, nicely shaped and healthy. You just have to support your love with some actions. For me physical activity works best. In order to keep myself toned I am taking Multipurpose High-Potency Super Nutritional Complex. This dietary supplement is manufactured by Military Grade and contains natural compounds. My body is grateful and is willing to exercise whenever I ask it to :)
