
Wednesday, January 16, 2013


So, I’ve followed a pretty good week with a week that I can be proud of. Let’s get right to it!


(1/10)  30 squats
(1/11)  40 squats
(1/12)  45 squats
            2.42 mile bike ride
            1.75 mile walk
(1/13)  50 squats
            Insanity Fit Test
(1/14)  55 squats
            C25K – Week 6 Day 2 – 2.01 Miles (16:25 min/mile)
(1/15) Plyometric Cardio Circuit

Oh you read that right…. I did SOMETHING for 6 days in a row! BAM! While some days weren’t overly strenuous, I still kept moving and I feel GREAT about it!!!
As for weight loss, I had a ton of carbs yesterday and my aunt is in town so the scale reflected that for sure but I know that next week will be better so i'm not worried!!

I made a calendar from the day we started and could see the big picture and I didn’t like it. We are 13 weeks in and I’ve GAIN a pound (as of last Wednesday) since the beginning. This is simply not acceptable. Therefore, I’ve changed a few things in my routine starting last week which resulted in the 6 days of working out and I’m LOVIN MA SORE THIGHS! So, the things that I changed are:

1.       I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this but I gave up Weight Watchers. My wonderful husband REALLY wants a jet ski so in an effort to make that happen, I’m trying to cut out as many extra expenses as I can. SO I started with the app “LOSE IT” again. It’s a good app. Counts your calories, you can track your exercise and it has a barcode scanner for easier input. I dont think the workout calories are true blue but but it’s something. i don't need to eat every calorie i burn off anyway!  =) Last week I was down 65 calories for the week but I kept switching the calorie intake daily to figure out which one was right for me and I think the 1519/day budget is good for me. If I eat more than that I feel like I ate too much during the day but the 1018 was WAY too low. I was SOOO hungry and end up settling for super low calorie foods that taste like crap.

2.      I am doing a SQUAT-A-THON! I stole this from someone else and I just plugged it into my schedule. This is the breakdown:

3.      I am also doing the Insanity. It’s generally a 6 day a week workout but I don’t want to commit to doing it 6 days a week because I don’t want to stop jogging for it so I’m going to alternate Insanity and C25K. The insanity program is usually 60 days but i'm spreading it out over 120 days. This is the schedule I have worked out for myself. It starts when we started the blog and as you can see, it's MUCH more than i was doing before.

I’m glad that I have a real plan. I’m always “make a plan or plan to fail” but I was the one that wasn’t following through.

I feel great and I can’t wait to see what this combination of exercises are going to lead me too!!!



  1. ..They are gunna lead you to a Hot Girl Bikini Bod!!!!

    Im so proud of you. You are on a roll and are doing so well! I am truly loving this blog and this connection we all have to help each other out. You set a goal to run and Ive tried to pass on what ive experienced to try and help you with that..and I love how you push and motivate me too, to stay on top of my cal counting and water intake! Kinda makes me tear up to think that we really are all in this TOGETHER and to know I have the best group of friends/support system!

    Our thighs are gunna look HOT in our bikinis on that Jet Ski! LMAO!!!

  2. :) thank you buddy! your right, we are truly the best support system together!

    my dang ASS better look good after all them squats!!!!!

