
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Bikini BOMBshell...Alright!

So...The "Add more CARDIO in my life" thing..and the "Counting cals w Loose It" thing....Is WORKING! Weighing in every morning has become a religion to me. I know...I know..."I shouldn't weigh in every morning"..Says Everyone!!! But its what I do..I let it get me down, which motivates me to be strict that day. I let it get me HIGH, which also motivates me that day! Either way, it works for me.  But, I've decided that I will "officially" weigh in on the 1st of every month, its just easy to remember. So, I will update you on my blog post and also on my "NICOLE" page, with my official weigh in's on the 1st Tues of the month. Which will be next Tues, Feb 5th!!!! Im excited by what I've been seeing each morning and Im just working hard and praying that I don't get sabotaged by the hormonal womanly issues that we are all blessed with. Stay tuned for weigh in results nxt week! EEEEK! :)

Goal Update from Last Week: 
*Buy bikini & Bikini pics=Well...See below...
*Take measurements=Nope!
*5/days wk @ Gym=YES, Done!
*Loose it app=Done!
*DIET:Resist Temptation!?=See below...

Sweat This Week: 
Mon: None...Officially
Tues: Gym->Cardio: LateralX:33min/4.83mi/78floors/335cals
Wed: Gym->Cardio: Treadmill:1mi/10:08min/118cals +J.Ladder:3mins/160ft/35cals
+LateralX:17min/2.31mi/37fl/161cals +3/20 Seated Dip (Tri's)50# +50 Squats
Thurs: Cardio:Run:2.63mi/30:08min/449cals
Fri: Gym->Leg Day!
& Sun:Walk/Jog->3.03mi/44:07min/478cals
So as I reflect on last week..I am PROUD for several reasons...

1) I've had another active week. Monday I was off work, MLK day.  I didn't go to the gym and get an "official wk out"..But we did hang out at the park swinging on the swings, feeding the ducks, playing basket ball and riding bikes. Not so bad..and its always fun to sweat w the fam! Despite Monday's day off, I did get it in...6/7 days this week!! & Im good w that! :)

2) The Loose It app: Ive got the hang of it...I like knowing where I am for the day, no matter if Im eating bad or good. I like to be in the KNOW! :D So, Confession Time...Monday, I was terrible! It was my cheat day and boy did I CHEAT! We started the day off w breakfast @ Joes cafe where I had a doughnut & a sausage biscuit. Followed by lunch @ Jakes for the red beans/pork chop buffet...Uh, YEA! I know...Don't judge me!! lol...& After our day at the park...We went to Dairy Queen for ice cream...YUMMY! Then for dinner..I decided to be good...lmao and just had a turkey sandwich. So yea, Monday I was NOT PROUD of my: 830cals over budget! WOW! :( BUT...After that horrible start to the week, I straightened up!...& even will that huge - start...I STILL managed to be 1,692 cals UNDER BUDGET for the week! BOOM!

3) Got my boy out there with me walking/jogging last night and we actually had FUN! He was jogging his little booty off and laughing and having a good time sweating it out! We started off just walking the first two laps (.50/mile). Then I said; "C if you want to do some jogging we can."He said "OK!" I said: "Pick a spot where do you want to start?". He picked the port-a-potties. I said, "Ok, Where do you want to stop". He said, "Trashcans". I said; "Ok, Take a few good deep breaths, and lets GO!" and we did....After that first time he says..."Ok mom, Lets do that every lap." I said; "Awesome, Lets do it". From there he moved the end goal to the light post..then to the little house...little further of a jog each time. We laughed as he struggled the first few times to make it. But then he was in a full SPRINT passing me up a few of the laps too. We had a good time! He comments on the way home. "So, How often do we need to do this mom?" I said; "Should, everyday..but we'll see."
Im glad he had fun and I hope to go again with him soon! He is also into watching the Biggest Looser with us. It asks if its BL night. PROUD MAMMA! :)

Ok so...Now that the proud is out there...Its time for the...EPIC FAIL....
The bikini pics..I searched far and wide..Old Navy, TJ Max, Academy..No luck finding any... Then I hit the jackpot @ Target. I grabbed a hand full of tops and bottoms and went in for it! It WASN'T PRETTY to say the least..Actually quite HILARIOUS that I thought I could even remotely be bikini ready..Ummm...EVER!...NO!  I put them on..Didn't know what rolls to stuff in...and which rolls to just let fall out...It was Awful! I did take pics..just bc that's what I went in there to do...LMAO! I decided it was not my time to waste $30+ on a bikini I really wont fit in the next few years, if ever! When the time comes and I can, I will buy and rock that bay boy!  Till then..No! I did show Chad the pics..and he too got in a good laugh as I explained my stuffing situation. I then tried to move the pics into a folder on my phone. So the kids and who ever else scrolls through the pics on my phone doesn't have to be sacred shitless when they accidentally come across those pics...and by trying to move them..I deleted the pics...DAMMIT! So I will go bk and take more..and get Chad to help me save in a safe 

My goals for this week are: 
*Keep the cals under control!
* Keep my Booty in motion!
*Official weigh in on 2/1


1 comment:

  1. SO awesome this week!!! you rocked it!

    i'm so glad you got C out there with you!!!!! and that he did GREAT!!!!

    oh bikini pics!!! lol, youve seen me in my glory, BUTT CRACK AND ALL!!!
