
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Fresh Start

Know what I love about New Years?  It's a fresh start.  The beginning of the year feels like a new beginning.  You have this gift of starting over and making the changes you want/need to make.  Like em' or not, resolutions are a huge part of the new year.  I am not above creating resolutions and I've already done so.  My resolutions or "goals" are listed on the homepage tab "2013 Goals." 

2012 was a good but challenging year.  The majority of 2012 was spent working during the day and attending school at night.  It wasn't until August that I finished.  As much as I wanted this to be my year for getting in shape, I didn't commit to it the way I wanted to/needed to.  I want 2013 to be different.  2013 is going to be a year of changes.  Maybe I sound ambitious or maybe I sound like every other person at the beginning of a new year, but this is the year I have to make this happen. 

Stephanie's favorite saying is "Have a plan or plan to fail."  I feel that I have a good plan in place.  For starters, I signed up for the 2013 New Year's Weightloss Challenge that Ben @ Ben Does Life blog setup.  I am excited about the challenge and feel that it will connect me with other people with the same goals as mine. 

I've also got the weightloss program starting soon. I got a call from Pennington Research regarding my participation in the Heads Up program.  My appointment is scheduled for January 17th at 7:45 a.m.  I'm relieved that they called (I knew they would be calling in December but didn't know when) and that I have an official appointment date.  After setting everything up over the phone, I received an e-mail with all of the information outlining the plan and all that it entails. For my screening appointment they are going to do a head-to-toe phsyical, including the following:
  1. Height, waist circumference, and weight
  2. Blood pressure and pulse
  3. Blood and urine collection
  4. Questionnaires
  5. Electrocardiogram (ECG)
  6. Walking Test
It makes me feel good to know that this isn't just some hokey weightloss plan that tells you to take a bunch of supplements and watch the scale drop.  This is a legit program guided by a team of 13 doctors along with psychologists and nutritionists.  I'm excited to start and with that, I'm sure I'll have a lot to blog about.  I am also concerned/scared/anxious/nervous...a whole ball of emotions.  Sure, on this plan I have the potential to lose quite a bit of weight just because of the protein shake/liquid diet aspect of it.  But after that is finished, if I don't change my habits, I will gain it all back. 

Also, this blog is a huge source of inspiration for me.  Seeing my friends succeed and knowing that we are all looking towards the same goals, it's inspiring and motivating!

Guess what else is coming up?  Do y'all watch Biggest Loser?  Well set your DVRs because the new season starts January 6th!  I can't WAIT!  I love this show and this season they are tackling childhood obesity! 

Good luck to everyone who is working on goals this year!  Hit the ground running and get at it!  (And fill me in and tell me how you're doing on your goals!) 


  1. What is 2013 New Year's Weight loss Challenge that Ben @ Ben Does Life blog?

    Yes, I <3 BL and can't wait for it to start, as well!

    You have an exciting new year ahead of you! I can't wait to hear all about it! :)

  2. i might have to get into this Biggest loser nonsence! i can't say i've watched one episode.

    so excited for you to start the program! i know you are ready to start!
