
Tuesday, February 5, 2013



So to re-cap...January 7, 2013=182.6 lbs  
February 1, 2013=181.6

Weight & Measurements have been update
on my "Nicole" page

I'll start w the deets and then get into my thoughts....
Goal Update from Last Week: Let's just say...I ROCKED IT!
*Keep the cals under control!=Check!
* Keep my booty in motion!=Check!
*Official weigh in on 2/1=....& Check!

Workout's This Week:  9 workouts=7 days :)
Mon: Gym->Lateral X: 33min/4.62mi/72floors/325cals *forgot 2 get pic
Tues: AM:Run w Chad: 29:43min/2.76mi/412cals 
         +PM:Family Walk: 37:52min/2.04mi/235cals
Wed: AM:Gym->Lateral X: 33min/5.18mi/84floors/358cals
        +PM:Run w Steph: 38:05min/2.90mi/402cals
Thurs: Gym->Lateral X: 33min/5.10mi/83floors/354cals
Fri: Gym->Leg Day!
Sat: Gym->Body Pump class
& Sun: AM:Fam Day:) BBall, Swang on swings, Fed Ducks, Kids rode bikes.
          +PM:Walk/Jog @ Bent Tree w CJ & Amanda: 1hour/4miles/517cals
               (*not counting fam fun day as wk official out)

Week In Review: 
Exercised= 6 hours+ Miles=26.6=FULL MARATHON Cals Burned=3,253+

Some changes I have made in the last month were...

1) I have consistently stayed active at least 6/7 days a week. For the entire month! Not only going to the gym M-F BUT Ive been adding in Saturday morning workouts and also adding in 2/days going in the afternoons w various family/friends. I love the support I have from my FIT hubs, kids & friends!! :)

2) Thanks to Steph for showing me the Loose It app! Ive been a tracking fool and It really helps keep me in line. Sure, I still have the "cheat" meal/day but its been limited. The weekends are still killer! But every other day of the week I stick to coming in under or right on budget! This week (with lots of cheating in there) I came in 3,185 calories under budget for the week!!

3)& Finally the best part of this months changes has been getting to see my son show an interest in wanting to exercise and be healthier! My 2 yr old Bella has always been full of energy.  She is totally on board when we bust out in exercise of any sort. She eats any fruit/veggie/food you put in front of her. BUT CJ, my 10 yr old, was against anything outdoors that required him to break a sweat. He is your typical "picky" kid and has a problem with any new food he isn't accustomed to eating. Well...He is all into watching The Biggest Loser. He asks every afternoon if we can go to the track and run or do our "Exercise @ Home" routine. (of course hmwk/studying determines if we get to go) But We have gone out to the track, as a family, several times now and he laughs and has fun while sweating his little butt off. We make it into challenges. One of us will set the challenge..for example: Ok, We will run from this tree to the bench, then stop and do 5 jumping jacks. (sub:squats, step ups using bench, etc.) We all have fun working up a sweat!  He also FINALLY mastered riding his bike this weekend!
I can also see him making minor changes to improve his eating habits. He told my mom to that he wanted white milk as opposed to the chocolate milk he usually drinks several glasses of every afternoon. Im teaching him some basics, To eat more protein (grilled chicken) and less carbs (limit noodles to 1 serving), To not eat sweet things like doughnuts at night. That if you do eat it have it in the morning your body has all day to burn it off. Baby Steps but He has made mamma proud! :D

I finally did my measurements. I went in my spreadsheet and logged it all in. Then I compare to my last measurements, both in August & October 2012. The results weren't what I wanted to see. Below is the comparison:

So as you can see...In the last 4 months I have:
GAINED: 7.6#s
GAINED: 1"/each arm
GAINED: a total of 1.5"/upper thighs
GAINED:  a total of 5"/lower thighs (above knee)
Loss: .5''/waist
Loss: 1"/hips
Loss: .5''/bust (great more boob shrinkage)

With all of the above being said...Im glad I lost (even if it was only 1#) bc over the last 4 months Ive been on a GAIN streak, and it needs to be OVER! I know the gain is mostly bc of the fact that in December I joined Premiere and for the last 3 months I started weight lifting 3 days/week. I have noticed alot of muscle gain in my legs/arms/shoulders/back, its tighter/toner just in general less FLAB! Which is awesome!! I could have SWORE that my legs were smaller, but reality hit when I measured and found not only were they NOT smaller, they are BIGGER! :( I<3 the tone but my main goal is still loose weight...NOT to bulk up. Im not sure where the balance is yet with this to achieve tone w/o bulking up... Lighter weight/more reps?...That is what I already thought I was doing.  More Cardio? Shit!! I logged a FULL marathon this week...Not sure how much more cardio I can get in.  So Im a tad frustrated but  Its ok. I will make more changes and see where it takes me...

  My goals for this week are: *Work Hard/Play Hard* 
1) Work out everyday! 
2) Enjoy Mardi Gras Parading w friends & family!
3) Keep up "Loose It" app
4) Stay on top water intake
5) Stay focused on goals right around the corner...
     *Rock-N-Roll 1/2 Marathon=2o days away!
     *Cruise=68 days away!


1 comment:

  1. You killed it with exercise this past week! Great job! I'm so glad CJ is starting to show interest in healthy changes! I think having kids as a focus this year has been a huge plus for Biggest Loser and getting kids interested/involved in fitness!
