
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Insert Witty Title Here

Lol, and I don’t have a witty title today but last week was AMAZING! I am very glad that I was able to get lots of work out’s in.

Mon - 3/18 – 2.01 miles; C25K W1 D1; Pace 14:09
Tue – 3/19 – 1.02 miles; Pace 12:26
Wed - 3/20 – 2.02 miles; C25K W1 D3; Pace 13:29
Thu – 3/21 – 1.08 miles; Pace 11:07 (BAM! Best pace so far! Thanks for pushing me Nicole!)
Fri   – 3/22 - None
Sat-   3/23 – None
Sun – 3/24 – 6.29 Friend and Family bike ride

My total calories burned for this week was 1385 and the total time was 4 hours and 30 minutes. My goal calories were 1950 and my goal time was 5 hours and 35 minutes. That is an insane amount compared to this week!

So far this week I’m having some difficulties but plan on getting back on track today.

My story for this week is once again a bike fall…. Or a bike FAIL! Geez! I’m not accustomed to riding with my blakey on the bike and as I was stopping, he wiggled too much and the bike bucked up and we ended up on the ground. I was able to catch us on my freaking ELBOW! YOWZA! When my elbow hit the ground I jammed my shoulder and but it’s getting better every day so I’m back at it at lunch time today!

If no one has uploaded pics from the biking adventure I will on the PHOTO’s page. =)

That’s all for now! Have a great week!


  1. I DID! I DID! Bike Photots R UP!:D
    You did great last week!!!! So proud of us all for stepping it up!!! Way 2 Go!!!

  2. I wish we could be with y'all on the bike rides!! Y'all look like y'all are having a blast!!

    You did awesome with your workouts Steph!! Keep it up girl!!


    1. i wish yall would come with us! it wears the kids out for sure!!!

  3. Holy Hell... 11 minute are freaking speedracer! It is VERY motivating to know that you are getting these numbers and that you used C25K! I'm hoping I can work up to the speeds you are going!! One day...I'm SLLLLLLOOOOOWWWW!

    I hate that you fell of your bike and I hope by today (Saturday) that your arm is feeling better. At least your accident was unavoidable.... I mean imagine the embarassment if you had tried to use a cruiser to go up a slanted concrete wall and then proceeded to fall over...all b/c you thought you could take it on. LOL. Pride still hurting over here! Played.

    I can't wait to see you reach that 10 minute mile mark! It gives me hope that I'll get there one day!


    1. i was slow for a very long time and i still have moments of slowness for sure!!!!

      actually my freaking shoulder is still hurting! lol. my pride however, is doing just fine!!! =)lol

      one day! not today and that's ok, but one day!!!!
