
Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Oh my aching back!

So, I didn’t post last week and with good cause. In my old age, my body has begun to creak and crack! For the past few weeks I’ve had some pretty bad back pain in the same spot and it has gotten progressively worst. After breaking down and going to see the Dr., I have an appointment with a specialist and I have some medicine for until then.
In turn, I did take a bit of a break from working out and this is what I got in in the past 2 weeks.

2/20 – Jogged 2.85 miles; Average pace 13:27 min/mile – Calories burned - 326
3/3 – Casual Biking 5.75 miles; Average speed 2.4mph – Calories burned – 96 (mind you this was a SUPER easy ride so I’m not surprised by the calories burned being low.)

As you can see I’ve been slacking… big time. Aside from my workout slacking, I’ve been slacking in the MFP department too, BUT this week is going good so far and I’m excited for next week’s blog.

Until then!


  1. If there ever was an injury to derail exercise progress, it's back pain! It's the worst, right up there with knee pain!

    I'm glad you are seeing someone SOON! Wish it were sooner but whatcha gonna do?

    Looking forward to see how well you rock next week's post using MFP! I plan to use that site once I am back to eating regular foods.


  2. You did more than I would have in pain! Im glad your feeling a little better and are getting back to your running. Can't wait to hear next week. And hope you get good help when you go to your ar apt.
