
Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Well...I had a whole BL congrats story to start off with...BUT I will refrain bc certain FFGF members could not watch last night, which I totally understand that catching up on Walking Dead comes 1st (<3 I too am addicted to WD!)..So I will let this member remain anonymous Ehhh..hem...STEPHANIE!!! :D JK! This season was my fav! I may or may not say that every it was great and Im really said its over! :(
The goal last week was a simple one...BE GOOD! 
I did pretty well makin that goal MINE! Here's how:

Workouts this past week=ERRYDAY!!!!
3/11 Mon: Gym->Lateral X: 31:14 mins/4.05 miles/291 cals  

3/12 Tues: Gym->Stair Master: 25 mins/110 floors/272cals

3/13 Wed: Gym->Treadmill: 34:02 mins/3 miles/362 cals

3/14 Thurs:  Gym->Spin Class:45:56 mins/758 cals

3/15 Fri: Gym->Leg Day w the boys! 

3/16 Sat: AM->Bike Ride:43:21mins/10.26 miles/595-758 cals
                                                 *Endomondo cals:595  Mio-Watch cals:75
                   PM->Basketball, walk/jog, bike ride w family: abt 5 miles?

3/17 Sun:Bike Ride:40:15 mins/7.58 miles/about 500 cals?
*Used Endomondo but still had it set to "walking" from walking w the kids on Saturday afternoon. Distance is the same but cals are off...
I have been looking for a while, and asking friends I know for a good "tasting" protein shake. I heard of several good ones to try but I was always just too cheap to actually pick it up and buy it.. Well, As of Monday this week, I have taken inspiration/motivation from both Chad & Shannon and decided to follow in their footsteps with starting to incorporate a protein shake as a meal replacement into my diet. Not sure the scale reflects the full grasp of this change, due to this being MY WEEK, if you catch my drift...BLAH! But I am very happy that even though it was my week and I did have a few pound gain during the week, that you didn't see, Im bk to exactly one week later and Im the same exact weight. This makes me hopeful that the weight will balance out and the loss is soon to show through..You just WAIT!

I started replacing my "lunch time/post workout meal" with the Lean 1 protein shake. Previously I would stop in Smoothie King and have this for lunch. It was costing me $6 a pop! I saw that they had the tub of the Lean 1 powder and you can buy and make your own, but the tub was $31 bucks so I decided to hold off. Chad, who has been drinking his protein shakes for YEARS..mentioned to me he ran out of his Muscle Milk and was at Rouses and found that they had same Lean 1 tub was ONLY $21. BAM! I WAS SOLD!!!! I rushed over and bought the same tub and have been having it for lunch. I add 1 scoop of Lean 1 powder (115cals) and 16oz of Fat Free Skim Milk (171 cals) into my wisk blender bottle cup, and DRINK UP! Total Cals: 287. IT TASTES GREAT!! I got the "Cookies & Cream" flavor and it really is yummy! My co-worker, Courtney walked in on me licking the inside of the cup!..YES, Its that good!

CHALLENGE UPDATE: So like I mentioned above, over the last week I had gained a few lbs. I was up to 173 (period/water weight..What-ev-er!). I had all the lovely side effects of that but now its over and behind me and I have 3 weeks left of the challenge to kick ass! As of this morning...I am the exact same weight I was @ last Tuesday's weigh in. SO NOW IT'S ON!!!

Goals for this upcoming week:
~Get it in EVERYDAY
~Drink more water
~Keep up w MFP   
~Shed some #s                                
Hope everyone crushes there goals this wk! 
START TODAY! Get UP & Do Something!


  1. Once I'm finished with my protein shake stuff I will be on the lookout for protein shake mixes to incorporate in place of one or two meals a day. What other flavors does Lean1 offer? Cookies and Cream...mmm...sounds good. Can you mix with water or does is specifically say use milk? Not a big milk fan and the shakes I use now are mixed with water only.

    You are going to do great the next few weeks leading up to the cruise. Still jealous of your vacay!

    Love the pics...what app are you using for it and are they easy to do?

    Keep up the hard work!! It will pay off!!!


  2. Shannon-Directions say to mix 2 scoops w WATER. I am trying to "milk" the cost out of So I use 1 scoop and milk. If you use water you HAVE to use the 2 scoops. Other flavors they have are the basic chocolate, vanilla, strawberry.

    The apps I use are "Pic Collage" and "Collage". Very simple/easy to use. I usually do it daily or every other day and email them to myself. If you wait till the end of the week its alot to make all those at once. But I make one here and there and it takes less than a min to make/save/email it to myself.

    Like you said in your last blog, didn't want my posts to be all txt. It gives it some color and pazaz! lol I thought so anyway.

  3. I see what you mean...making it stretch further. It's only $21 and how long "should" the mix last if used the way it says to..with 2 scoops and water?

    Mmm...wonder if that strawberry is any better than the strawberry Pennington gave me? Bleh!

    I am gonna download that app and start doing collages! Love it! Very creative and it does make it more fun to look at!!!

    1. It says on the nut facts on the back; 2 scoops, Servings per container=10. It also says use 3 scoops on an "active" day. Yea..there just trying to get you to USE it so you buy more! Still cheaper than $6 per serving stopping at Smoothie King every day but I'll get 20 servings out of it, hopefully.

      Its got to be. You could always buy one at SK just to try and make sure you like before you buy a whole tub of it. I have still yet to try your strawberry. Its still at hm on my kitchen counter. You just make it sound so gross I don't want to try it lol...but I will..

      Go for it! Its fun!

  4. Speaking of shakes...I have some extra vanilla and chocolate shake mix I can pass on to you to try. You HAVE TO try that Was gonna ask you the other day if you ever tried it...figured you'd tell me if you had b/c I'd hear you gagging from Harvey! Nasty! Chocolate is good...Vanilla is okay. I have a pack of each if you wanna try them.

  5. You're doing awesome girl!! Tony and I also started doing 2 shakes a day with a sensible dinner!! I love it and I eat lots of fruits and veggies throughout the day as snacks! I'm am totally hitting up Rouse's and getting that lean 1 shake mix for $21.00!!!! Thank you so much for telling us about that!! Cookies and Cream flavor sounds yummy!!


  6. If you got extras..I'll take them SHANNO!You will know when I try it..I promised a pic!
    Amanda-What kind were yall using? And did ya like it? I am seriously LOVING the yummy Lean1. But I know eventually, I'd like to try other kinds... Go Get it Girl!!! :D

  7. GREAT job this week nicole!!!!

    how full to the protine shakes keep you?

  8. Well...I wouldn't say that it keeps me "full" but the shake keeps me satisfied. Remember this is not all I eat. I have fruit (this week its been 1 cup of red grapes) and coffee for breakfast. I have a banana before I leave to wk out, around 11. I have the shake for lunch around noon. Then I'll have another snack around 2-3-4ish, which could be a handful of raisins, an apple, some almonds. Then I eat dinner when I get hm..

    So I can't really say its the "shake" that keeps me full. I still eat alot of other little things w it. But I can say its SO GOOD and I look fwd to having it everyday.
