
Monday, April 22, 2013

Duck You!

Happy Monday Morning everyone!  I hope everyone had a great weekend!  I spent yesterday in bed pretty much all day!  I had a splitting migraine that I thought was a sinus headache but after treating it with sinus medicine, it didn't go away.  So frustrating and annoying!  But luckily it started to subside lastnight! 

So here we go:

How My Week Went

Monday - 5 min. walk/10 min. run/4 min. walk/10 min. run/4 min. walk on treadmill at gym

Tuesday -  5 min. walk/10 min. run/4 min. walk/10 min. run/4 min. walk on treadmill at gym, and cut and edged my backyard.  It was kinda high so there was lots of exercise going on there...

Wednesday - 1 mile walk during lunch,  5 min. warmup walk/10 min. run/4 min. walk/10 min. run/4 min. walk/ 10 min. run/5 min. cooldown on treadmill at gym followed by a very HOT and SWEATY Body Flow Class!!!  No seriously, I don't know if it was supposed to be that hot or what (the rest of the gym wasn't hot), but I was DRIPPING sweat and my shirt was drenched after class!  Good feeling but it was HOT!

Thursday - NONE - Too a much needed exercise day OFF!  Had my appt. at Pennington,

Friday - NONE - Didn't want to stress my legs out for Saturday's ride.

Saturday - Tour de Cure 25 mile bike ride - Ended up doing only 18.46 miles because of a poorly labeled course.  We weren't the only ones that went the wrong way.  Everyone doing the 25 miler went the wrong way and cut the ride short by about 5 miles!!

Sunday -  NONE - Fought a migraine all day.. sick as a dog nauseous because of it. 

What's New? 

1.  My 12 week checkup with Pennington was on Thursday and as of Thursday I am down 44 pounds.

2.  I completed my first ever bike event.  I was nervous before it started strictly because of the unknown...I didn't know what to expect. I was told there would be rest stops along the route and there weren't.  I did 18.46 miles nonstop on my cruiser.  It was fun but next year there are things I'll do use my mountain bike instead of my cruiser.  I'll also do the 50 mile next year rather than the 25.  I didn't like that the ride had us along highways because that can be very scary when cars are whizzing past you, but it was fine and wouldn't keep me from participating next year.  When the ride finished my legs were tight but after about 15 minutes the feeling subsided and my legs were fine.  They weren't sore the next day either, which was a nice surprise!  I averaged a 5 1/2 min. per mile pace, which is better than I was expecting, which is funny because I didn't really know what to expect.  I can do 4 laps around my neighborhood, which is 10 miles, in 45 minutes... so I figured the ride, with stops, would take me no more than 3 hours.  I finished in 1 hour 46 minutes (subtract about 5 off of that time though b/c I forgot to turn off the tracker when I got to the finish line).

There was a baby duck with no mama duck in sight and it was just running across the highway.  A fellow rider scooped up the baby duck and saved it...and I got to love on it at the after party!  She said she was going to keep it!  I was so worried about the dang duck that I went off the road and nearly fell into a ditch.  I did come off my bike but landed on my feet...thankfully! 

Also, at the after party a guy wearing a "Community Service Worker" vest came over to where we were sitting and said "Anything you don't pick up, I have to pick up.." and we just kind of looked at the guy and said we'd pick up after ourselves.  What a weirdo.  Then he starts to walk past us and turns around and says "I'm only here because I got a DUI....but I didn't know this after party would be so awesome!"  As he's holding and drinking a beer.  WTH?  Crazy guy! 

3.  I met a girl at the Tour de Cure and we started chatting it up about the ride, how far we've each ridden before, and she mentioned that she rode 10 miles in a triathlon.  I was impressed by this and began asking her questions about the triathlon and it turns out that she did the Spring 2013 Girl Power Triathlon.  She was telling me about her experience and how great of a time she had and it got me wanting to take part in it.  Fellow blog buddy Nicole was told by someone that the Girl Power Triathlon is the best first-time tri to do and that it is all female, etc., and I was pumped about it back then when she was telling me about it.  Fast forward to Sunday and I'm sitting at home feeling like I needed something to work towards.  Pennington is a month away from ending and I need a new challenge to work towards and to keep me motivated.  So I hopped on the Internet and read about the Girl Power Triathlon and that there is one coming up in I signed up...right then and there.  Guess this means I need to start preparing for it huh?  I'm working on a training plan this week so I can get some much needed swimming into my routine.  Swimming will be the most challenging part simply because I love to swim and can swim with no problem, but doing laps isn't something I've done.  300 meters isn't very far, so I'm confident I can do this.  The biking portion is 10 miles and I've got that!  The run portion is 2 miles and even if I have to run/walk that B, I can handle it!  Just finishing will be a huge accomplishment.  For now I have no expectation for time but as I get down to it and really get into the swing of swimming, I'll have a better idea of how quickly I can complete the swim portion of the tri.  I'll be posting updates on how I prepare for it as time goes stay tuned for that!

I'm ready to hit the ground running this week.  After taking some time off this past week, I'm rested up and ready to roll.

I hope you all have a wonderful week ahead. 

1 comment:

  1. Thats is AWESOME!!! Way to go on your bike ride! Im so glad you did it! Also very excited about your 1st upcoming tri!! Super exciting!
