
Monday, April 1, 2013

Oh The Changes You Will Make!

Happy Monday Morning to Everyone!  It's April Fools Day!!  To some this is just a regular day but to me it marks a very important day in my life!  3 years ago today my husband asked me to marry him!  I couldn't picture what my life would be like without him!  He is an amazing person, inside and I'm going to take a moment to talk about him...

Adam set off on his own journey to get healthy and he has done it!  My husband is a man of little words, until you really get to know him.  He doesn't sit around and talk about what he wants to do or what he wants...he does it.  One day he comes home and says "I'm starting CrossFit.  I joined a local CrossFit place and tomorrow is my first class."  I had no idea what CrossFit was or anything.  He just decided he wanted to do something and he did it.  Since joining he has lost about 40 pounds and has put on a bunch of muscle.  He used to have this belly and that is completely gone!  He went from XXL shirts to a large, though I think he could easily wear a medium!  He also went from XL pants to a size medium!  He is major inspiration and motivation for me because he reminds me that if you want something...go after it and do it...don't just sit around talking about it.  So that's my advice that I'll pass on from Adam to me and now to whomever is reading...  JUST DO IT!  Don't sit around wishing, hoping, wondering.  Just start! 

With that...let's jump right in...

How My Week Went

Monday -  5 minute warmup/10 minute run/3 minute walk/10 minute run/5 minute cooldown, Body Pump Class!!!

Tuesday - A VERY uninspired mile on the treadmill.  After my first online group meeting ended at 7 I got dressed and rushed to the gym.  I couldn't get in my groove... I was tired, and decided to head home and hit it hard Wednesday morning. 

Wednesday - 5 minute warmup/10 minute run/3 minute walk/10 minute run/5 minute cooldown, Body Flow Class!!!

Thursday - 5 minute warmup/10 minute run/3 minute walk/10 minute run/5 minute cooldown, Body Pump Class!!!

Friday - Bike ride 6.2 miles.

Saturday - Crescent City Classic 10k. 

Sunday - No gym (gym closed...BOO), bike riding, and lakefront football throwing, up and down the levee, kite flying fun!  Also did yard work, front and back yards.  Spring is in the air and I am loving the warmer weather!

What's New?

1.  Last Tuesday was my first online group meeting with the dietitian and fellow program participants.  It say the least.  First off, we have to call in on a conference call which was annoying.  I was able to mute my phone so that noise on my end didn't interfere with the call.  Others didn't get that memo because I heard dogs barking, people talking, kids screaming...just annoying.  The meeting had to end earlier than anticipated because of the static and background noise.  I do like that I can connect with others in the program.  I gave my e-mail so that others can contact me outside of the group meeting.  Everyone seems really nice and helpful.  I found out that some people have been BAKING with their shake mixes... brownies, pancakes, etc.  WHAT?!?!?  I am getting recipes from some of them ASAP!  My next meeting is next Tuesday, so I look forward to next week's meeting. 

2.  My Adam bought a bike!  He's so stinking cute!  I love that man!  Now we can ride together and enjoy the outdoors.  He keeps bragging because his bike has a water bottle holder.  Funny story..  He bought my bike for Christmas.  The place where he purchased my bike was out of water bottle holders to install and they said they would contact me when the order came in.  I never got a call.  Adam bought his bike from the same place, and they installed a water bottle holder and gave him a water bottle for the bike before he left the store.  He kept drinking from his water bottle saying " water EVER from the best water bottle EVER...It's a good thing I have this water bottle holder because I'd be thirsty without it!!"  Going on and on.  Crazy crazy man.  I just wanted to smack him...

3.  I purchased smaller sized undies...and they fit even after washing and drying them!  With dropping sizes so quickly I don't want to spend the money on the fancy expensive kind that I used to buy, so I bought the hipsters that come 7 to a pack at Walmart.  It's a nice change to the baggy in the butt issue I was experiencing!  Hopefully I won't be in these much longer... 

4.  2 years ago, when I had my own blog, a blog reader was kind enough to send me her gently (and only shortly used) pair of Sweetheart Old Navy blue jeans.  She dropped weight like a crazy person and donated her one pair of size 18's to me.  I have been strutting my stuff in those size 18's for a week now.  Feels good knowing I'm in much a smaller size than when I started (26/28's) and even better knowing they are stylish and that they were free!  I Love Freebies!  The pic below shows me in the free pants (on the left) and me trying on some 18's on Friday when I went shopping with Courtney (right).  Forgive my saggy boobs..I was in a sports bra that pushes the girls down.  I opted not to buy the pants on the right because they were a little loose and if I'm not going to be in 18's much longer, I didn't want to waste the money! 

5.  Know that Dr. Seuss book "Oh The Places You Will Go"?  I should come up with my own.. "Oh The Ways You Will Change"!  And change I have!  Here's a snapshot of my face and how it has changed..

What's Next?

For the next 3 months I'll continue my online group meetings on Tuesday evenings.  I think I'll get a lot out of this portion of the program and I'm excited about it!  I look forward to getting to know the other participants and learning about what their experiences have been. 

My next visit with Pennington is this Friday.  This checkup will mark my 10th week in the program which means I have just 6 weeks left.  Time flies!  I'm just going to keep pushing myself and jeep on steadily losing. 

This coming Saturday I am doing the United Way of St. Charles 17th Annual 5k/10/ Bridge Run/Walk.  I'll be doing the 5k and my dad will be joining me!  The first race I ever did was across the Luling Bridge.  I don't recall the name of the race...but I was younger, maybe 8th grade, and my dad and I did it together.  We walked the 5k and I remember feeling so accomplished that I did it!  When I saw that there was a race that was going across the same bridge I immediately thought of my dad.  I called him up to ask if he wanted to do the race, and signed us both up.  I'm looking forward to it....and after the race I'm heading to Slidell for Ms. Hannah's birthday party! 

I hope everyone has a great week!  Keep up the hard work and keep pushing!   

“You have brains in your head, you have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose.”
- Dr. Seuss, Oh The Places You'll Go


  1. what's up sexy stuff!!!!!

    yay for adam... with his trek... WITH A KICKSTAND!!!! lol.

    you are kicking booty my friend!

  2. You are doing awesome! So proud of you and the 10k this weekend, I had a great time!! And so happy you have Adam doing it to, that helps so much to have him with the same goals working with you! :)
