
Monday, April 8, 2013

Fat and Slow But In Front of You!

Happy Monday Morning to everyone!  How is everyone today?  This past weekend was absolutely gorgeous!  It was breezy but warm and being outdoors was just perfect!  I was active and spent as much time outdoors as I could! 

So here's a rundown of my week:

How My Week Went

Monday - Treadmill run (5 min. warmup/10 min. run/3 min. walk/10 min. run/5 min. cool down), Body Pump Class.  I increased my weights in Body Pump and my body feels the difference!  I was worried that I'd be hurting on Tuesday and I wasn't.  I was sore, but not hurting! 

Tuesday - 2.5 mile walk for work (to Royal St. and back), Treadmill run (5 min. warmup/10 min. run/3 min. walk/10 min. run/5 min. cool down)

Wednesday -  Treadmill run (5 min. warmup/10 min. run/3 min. walk/10 min. run/5 min. cool down), stairclimber 10 minutes

Thursday -  Body Pump Class!

Friday -  Nothing!  Took the day off before the race!

Saturday - Bridge Run - 5K (RAN MY FIRST MILE EVER!), 1/2 mile run around the track, 1/2 mile walk around the track, 20 burpees, 20 situps, 20 to-the-calf squats, 20 pushups (girly, on my knees)

Sunday - Made breakfast, cleaned house, did a 1/2 mile jog around the track followed by a 1/2 mile walk around the track, and then threw the football at the park for over an hour

What's New?

1.  My second online group session was last Tuesday evening and it went much better than the first session!  The phone issue was worked out and everyone was able to hear the dietitian without all the static and background noise.  I'm gaining a lot of information from the sessions; more than I thought I would.  The biggest lesson from session 2 was portion sizes vs. serving sizes.  A portion size is simply what you have.  If I put 3 scoops of mashed potatoes on my plate...then that's my portion size.  My serving size is what the label says.  The food label may say that a serving size is a 1/4 cup, but there are 3 scoops in my plate!  Checking food labels, monitoring calories, eating the correct serving size, and also cutting back on the not-so-healthy things is going to be key...along with exercise. 

My 10 week checkup was on Friday.  10 weeks in and I am down a total of 39 pounds.  I have 6 weeks left and it's balls to the wall to drop as much as I can!  I have only 3 more clinic visits left until I am back on my own with regular foods again!  I am anxious and nervous about the transition but I know I'll be keeping with the shakes in place of at least 1 or 2 of my meals a day.

The checkup was interesting and eye opening.  When the nurse said I'd lost 5 pounds in 2 weeks I was immediately confused.  I felt like it should have been more.  She began questioning me about it and I just explained that all the hard work, all the sacrifice (shakes only, no going out to eat, etc.) and I feel like a loss of 5 pounds in 2 weeks isn't enough.  She began questioning how much exercise I'm doing and I told her what all I've been up to and she was shocked.  She told me I shouldn't be working out that much and that I'm setting myself up for failure in the future.  Basically she said that every person's body burns at least 1,000 calories on its own every day.  If I'm taking in 900 calories only, I'll see a loss.  If I exercise on top of that, I'm putting my body at risk of starving itself.  By being in the negative in calories every day, my body is holding on to whatever I do take in.  She said that if I keep it up, my body is going to adjust to low calories and lots of exercise.  When I start back on regular foods in 6 weeks, my body is going to require more exercise to compensate for those calories.  That puts me at having to exercise more than I am now, and I exercise a lot!  She scared me too saying she is amazed I haven't fainted in class.  Her exact words were "don't be surprised to find yourself laid out on the floor during class one day because you don't have enough calories in you."  That's SCARY!  I'm not on Biggest Loser.  The contestants on Biggest Loser are on special diets and proper calories that compensate and compliment all that working out.  I can't be sad that I'm not seeing 11 pounds a week drop! 

She suggested 30-45 minutes of light walking a day.  I'm giving this a shot for 2 weeks and see how my next appointment goes.  So no Body Pump or Body Flow...which makes me sad just because I genuinely enjoy it!

2.  I did the United Way of St. Charles Bridge Run with my dad on Saturday and we had a great time.  I was annoyed with the race because the start time was set for 8:30 and it was 9:00 a.m. before it began!  I'm an early person meaning I get to events and things on time or earlier than expected to be sure I'm ready to go.  We did a lot of standing around!  Once the race started though it went great!  My dad is a runner and he suggested that we start off running until we get to the on ramp of the bridge.  I was nervous but agreed to it.  We started and before I knew it, we exceeded my dad's expectation to make it to the on ramp!  We went up the ramp onto the main span of the bridge!  Next thing you know, we passed the 1 mile marker.  It took us 14 minutes to get just over a mile, on an incline.  I was so ecstatic that I could cry!  I didn't though because my dad would've laughed at me!  That was the first time I'd ever run a mile before in my life! 

Just to prove to myself that I have it in me to do things I never did before, I went to the local walking track and ran the entire way around, something I was never able to do before.  It was only half a mile, but I stopped because I wanted to join my husband and his friend who were doing a CrossFit type workout in the grass and they were getting ready to start.  In the past I was never able to run around that track...Saturday and again on Sunday I did it!  HUGE CHANGES AND IMPROVEMENTS in my stamina and endurance!  I'm slow, but I'm doing it!  Makes me want to get that t-shirt that reads "Fat and Slow, but in front of you!" 

United Way of St. Charles Bridge Run w/ Daddio!

Brock and Nanny movie/facials night!

My Goals For The Week Ahead

1.  Cardio every day for at least an hour! 
2.  No classes at the gym
3.  Swim in the pool at least 2 days this week
4.  Drink lots of water
5.  Take my vitamin every day!  I've been slacking on this!

"Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything."
- George Bernard Shaw

1 comment:

  1. Ok weird..Thought for sure I commented on this..Im loosing it. Lol.

    You had an awesome week!!! Way to go on all of your victories my friend! Keep kicking A! :D
