
Thursday, May 9, 2013

Everything happens for a reason

So I totally forgot to blog yesterday. I had this huge excuse planned and all! Well, everything happens for a reason. This morning, as my house was running late as usual, my husband said (as he was accusing me of eating a row of oreo’s that I DID NOT EAT!), “what happened to your health kick, getting up early and exercising? You’re becoming a lazy bones.” That coming from anyone else would have resulted in a kick to the throat, but not my JJ. He only says stuff with the best of intensions.

With that said, I am re-launching my jogging starting with the color run! I’m amped about getting back on track and back on the track! I am not going to set a routine; I want it to come naturally. I want to want it again.  Before I felt like I was obligating myself to working out, and when I feel like I’m being forced to do something, I lose interest.

So, that being said, I can’t wait to say:



  1. YAY!!!!! Im so glad! Can't wait the Color Run is gunna be sooo fun!

    You were doing so well w the running, becoming a runner is a HUGE accomplishment, as we know. I was hoping you didn't take too much time off from it..but totally get needing that break to get pumped again. Whoooooo Here we Come!!!! :D

    1. well i actually did a 1 mine run on 5/1 and my time was 13:28 so i would like to think that even though i haven't been consistant, my 14 minute miles are a thing of the past for sure.

      the color run IS going to be fun! i have told JJ that i will do it at his pace.=)

  2. I'm happy to hear you are back in the game...though really you were never out of the game...just a few days pause! I think letting it come naturally is the best way to go. It will happen. I'm not fast (and I'm okay with that) but getting to the gym and proving to myself that I can do it EVERY.DAMN.DAY keeps me wanting to go more and more. I think as you get back into your groove, you'll look forward to hitting the pavement!

    There's a quote by Katherine Switzer (a well-known female runner) - "There is an expression among even the most advanced runners that getting your shoes on is the hardest part of any workout."

    It's true. Getting the shoes on and getting out the door is the hardest part but once you start, and especially when you finish, that feeling you have is pure accomplishment!

    I've been telling myself that I need to get off the treadmill and hit actual pavement, but with it getting warmer and warmer as Summer approaches, I just don't see myself doing it. But, I need to! Treadmill is one thing...actual pavement is another. I proved I can do it with my dad at the Luling Bridge race...I just need to get my butt outside!

    1. and lacing up is really the hardest part. excuses are the easy part!

      i just need to keep moving!!!

  3. You go girl... I probably would have still karate chopped my husband in the throat for the comment hahaha.

    1. :) he does get abuse from me on the regular!
