
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Great Week!!!

May Challenge: Step It Up!

So as you can see, this was a good week. I managed to get my heart rate up and going everyday doing different workouts, and a few days I got in some 2/days...WHOOP! I feel good about it.   This week I plan to do alot of the same, but it is kind of a  stressful week. Last full week of school and teachers cramming in 1-2 test in each subject. UGG!  BUT, School is almost over, thank the good lord, only 7 more days and summer will be here.  Im hoping to get in alot more 2/days bc we won't have to run hm to study and do homework every afternoon. Im so excited!!!! YAY!!!! 
5/6 Mon: Gym->Chest & Triceps

5/7 [2-A-Day] Tuesday: TOTAL: 5 mi/66:13 mins/699 cals
AM: Run 2.5 mi/26:19 mins/373 cals
PM: Track->Walk: 2.5 mi/39:54 mins/326 cals                  
5/8 [2-A-Day] Wed:  
AM: Gym->Bk & Bi
PM: Track->Walk/Jog: 2 mi/27:46 mins/284 cals

5/9 Thurs: Gym->Cardio & Core

5/10 Friday: Gym->Leg Day!!

5/11 Saturday: Color Me Rad 5k (3.1mi)

5/12 Sunday:

This week was a busy/fun week. As Shannon already posted we all did Painting w a Twist, super fun. Love hanging out and relaxing just us girls!! Then of course the Color Me Rad 5k on Saturday was the best time! Idk if it was so much the actual race or just my fun loving awesome friends who made it a great experience...but I can't wait to sign up for the next one. My kids would have LOVED to do this race. So FUN!

 January 2013-May 2013
So, this pic made me feel good this week. Although the # on the scale is just slowly dropping, at this point. Over all I feel good! I feel like the work is still paying off.  I feel leaner, more toned. I feel like I can see a difference, less cellulite in my thighs, less jiggle.  My legs feel tight and full of muscle. The Leg Days are really paying off! Not to mention in these side by sides, to me-I look less wide. The bottom belly seems flatter, the top belly/muff top (lol) seems smaller and to have dropped. It's pics like these that help to keep me on track! Baby steps, but moving in the right direction, and that works for me!

 Check out the "Photos" tab. I posted a few new pics from our Painting w a Twist night and the Color Me Rad Race this past weekend.

Hope everyone has a great week.


  1. Great job! You can DEF see a difference in your pics!!! Very motivating to see the changes as we both know! Keep it up! Glad that school is almost over for the kids!!

  2. great week buddy! and look at that BOOTAY!!!!!!!! might have slap it sometime! WOWZA! keep kicking my buddy!
