
Monday, May 6, 2013

Oh, Kelly Clarkson!

Happy Monday Afternoon everyone!  My weekend was a blur and not quite long enough!  But isn't that the case every weekend?  I had a great one but I am TIRED!  And this is shaping up to be a very busy week at work for me! 

So let's get right to it.....

How My Week Went

Monday - 5 min. warmup/10 min. run/4 min. walk/10 min. run/4 min. walk/10 min. run/5 min. cooldown on treadmill, Body Pump Class.  I left class drenched in sweat.  My pants, shirt, bra, socks...everything was drenched in sweat!

Tuesday - 3.1 miles on elliptical in 32 minutes!  Had to hit the grocery and get home to start my online meeting!

Wednesday -  5 min. warmup/10 min. run/4 min. walk/10 min. run/4 min. walk/10 min. run/5 min. cooldown on treadmill.  Legs were TIGHT and the instructor I like wasn't teaching Body Flow so I skipped.  But I went home and did some things around the house and scoped out my sister's new apartment, so I didn't go home and veg out!

Thursday - 5 min. warmup/10 min. run/4 min. walk/10 min. run/4 min. walk/10 min. run/5 min. cooldown on treadmill

Friday - 5 min. warmup/20 min. run/5 min. cooldown, 10 minutes on stairclimber (fat burning program), 400 meter swim in pool (took me 12 minutes and that was being VERY leisure)

Saturday - Busy Busy Saturday and I made no time for the gym =(  The day off was nice though!  Crawfish boil at Steph's Saturday night and had fun, as usual!  Lots of laughs, left late, and can't wait to do it again.  Did I mention the weather was PERFECT?  Did I mention I received a text Sunday night that was a video of me dancing to Bee no idea I was being filmed!  Jackie is a ninja with that camera phone...but wait...payback is a bitch!  LOL
Sunday - CrossFit Fiesta Field Day.  We did egg/spoon races, dodgeball, tug of war, wet sponge ring out, and a relay race.  It was a lot of fun and I didn't know this at the time, but the money raised went to one of the CrossFit workers' dad who was diagnosed with cancer.  Total raised was just over $3,000!!!  Had a great time, it was beautiful weather, and the money raised went to an awesome cause!  I didn't have pockets so I didn't bring my camera or my iPhone to take pics, but there was photography going soon as I get some pics, I'll share!

After the Fiesta Field Day we were invited to take a private tour of the Saints practice facility by a guy who does graphic design work for the Saints and is also a CrossFit member.  It was AWESOME.  We saw everything!  The weight room, the indoor practice field, the outdoor practice field, the locker room, etc.  It was very fun and exciting!  I'll load up some pics and post them on my blog next Monday. I would do it today, but it's just too much!  Of the 50+ people that were at the field day event, only 8 of us went along to the practice facility and all we kept saying was how everyone else MISSED OUT!  Once in a lifetime opportunity that I'm so glad we took part in.  Very cool experience! 

What's New

1.  My appointment with Pennington was on Thursday and as of Thursday, I am down 48 pounds.  I have 2 weeks left on the program and I am ecstatic! 

2.  My sister and nephew officially moved out this past weekend and are now in their own 2 bedroom apartment.  I'm excited for them and hope that this is a fresh new start.  I'll definitely miss having my nephew around the house but he knows he can come over any time he wants!  I won't lie, having the house to just my husband and I is very nice and very quiet!

3.  I'm doing a painting on Thursday evening with my blog buddies.  Looking forward to getting out and having some painting fun!

4.  This Saturday is the Color Me Rad race and it's gonna be a fun one!  I need to figure out what I'm going to wear!!!!  

Because I'm swamped at work, I'll leave you with a few pics...

One of my favorite "changes" legs.   BTW, the black capri pants are not the same in each picture!  My legs are leaner and more toned.  I attribute this to all the jogging.  You can't see my upper legs in the pic above, but those babies are getting more muscle tone and I attribute that to Body Pump's lunges and squats!  Love it!  So glad I tried Body Pump b/c it's nothing but pure love...and hate.  I hate lunges!

Bandit and Fat Girl after their baths on Wednesday

Me and Adam at the Saints indoor practice field 

I may come back and post later this week with pics when I have more time rather than wait til Monday...

So be on the lookout!

I hope everyone had a great weekend and that everyone has a great week ahead!  Do your best, work hard, kick ass!


  1. Very fun busy week/weekend! You rocked girly! We have done the Saints and Zephyrs tours a few times w the scouts, very cool to see all the behind the scene stuff locker rooms, uniforms hanging in place. Can't wait to see all the pics! Hope you have a good week busy can't wait to hang w the gals on Thursday!

  2. HA! JJ showed me that video!!!! always be aware of where that boy is!!!

    and saturday, oh saturday! SOOOO much fun!

    the field day sounded like fun! keep us posted for other ones!
