
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Damn you Mother Nature!

As you can see, this week was less than stellar but that’s ok. Mother Nature and I duked it out for a few days and she won the battle but she won’t win the war! I’m back at it and did level 2 of the 30 day shred last night and I am SORE this morning and LOVIN IT! I have however been slacking on the jogging but I’ll get back to that eventually. This is a LIFESTYLE change, and we all know that change takes time. I WILL NOT GIVE UP ON ME!!


  1. You and mother nature duked it out huh? I think we all duke it out with mother nature and she usually does win the fight..that mean bitch, but she never wins the war! Love that attitude! Don't stop get it get it!

  2. I will not give up on you Steph!! You've got this!!!
    - Amanda
