
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Hey June...

Two week post, Sorry I skipped out last week I was out of town on Tuesday and then just didn't wanna post all late so I figured I'd make it a double...

6/3 Mon: Gym->Chest & Tri's
6/4 Tues: Gym->Stair Master/20 mins/96 Floors/247 cals
6/5 Wed: Gym->Bk & Bi's
   +Eliza's Workout Challenge in 2:38 mins
6/6 Thurs: Gym-> Ran 1mi/9:36mins/132 cals 
   +TRX Ab Wk and Basketball
6/7 Friday: Gym->Ran .5mi/4.5mins & Leg Day 

6/8 Saturday & 6/11 Tuesday: None

We went out of town last weekend from Friday 6/7-Tuesday 6/11 for a family reunion on Saturday and also my sister in law had her 1st baby this weekend while we were there.  She had a beautiful baby girl, Mia Kate, 6# 9oz 19.5in long.  We did play on the playground with the kids a few days and also went on a little nature walk but I didn't get in any real workouts while out of town. For that reason, Im glad to be back and back into my routine.  
6/12 Wednesday: Gym->Stair Master/10mins/51 floors/127 cals
                                    + 1hr Spin Class 
6/13 Thursday:Gym->Run/1 mi/9:19 mins/130 cals
                                 + Chest & Tri/Bk&Bi combo routine
6/14 Friday:Gym->Run/1 mi/9:13 mins/129 cals
                          +Leg Day Routine

Saturday was a family fun in the sun day. We played in the yard, bbq'd and swam all day. Saturday night was fun adults only night, we had dinner, played mini golf and danced the night/morning away.

Sunday-Father's Day was low key just hanging out w the family. We went to the movies to see Superman and to Outback for lunch. YUM!

This week was adjusting back into the routine after having a few days off. This current week I have been trying to get back into the daily workout routine. More to come next week on that...Hope everyone has a awesome week! :D


  1. I typed a comment and it didn't show here's a new comment that I hope shows up! Damn it!

    Working out like a beast and OMG that baby is so tiny and so cute!!! My dad saw your pic on FB and asked me at the Huey P. Run if that was YOUR baby! LOL!!! He hasn't seen you since Stephanie's wedding so he would have no idea if you were pregnant but it cracked me up.

    I'm ready for an itty bitty one...hopefully a girl and I LOVE HER NAME!

  2. :D Thats funny...Ol Pops. No, he can rest assure this factory is closed!

    She will be here soon, I hope! I can't wait to hold your precious little Lucy or Lucifer lol...
