
Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The 411...The Scoop...

Well, Im back to reality, vacay is offically over :( 
We had a GREAT time! It did rain on our parade, a few morning showers, but we have lots of time to relax and we all really enjoyed ourselves. 

So what's been up??? Well...Not a whole lot of working out...So this will probally be a pretty short blog post lol...Last week (vacay week, 15-21) I didn't get any workouts in. Although, walking in sand...up a trillion stairs at the battle ship tour..rode bikes a little...carrying Bell around, but yea nothing "official".

I am this week trying to get back on track w the workouts.  Ive got to get this under control (mainly the "diet").  So far, So good, Update on that next week...

House Update: We are kind of in that in bw stage, the waiting period.  To my knowledge closing is still set for July 31st.  We have had the inspections done and the sellers have agreed to fix everything we asked that they fix.  I guess that's being done now but I really have no clue??  Also the home appraisal has been ordered and a request as been put in with the VA to go do their inspections.  I believe they have a 10 day window to get that done and we haven't heard anything on it yet. So we wait....

We do have another garage sale planned for this weekend! :D 
I can not wait to purge some more and get rid of even more STUFF!!! Steph will be coming to sell her and her MILs stuff. So much fun sitting out there w company!!! And my mom has been going through some of her clutter and some of my dads clothes to sell. So it should be another TON of stuff to spread out. 

Hopefully I have more to report on next week...
I hope everyone has a great week!!!

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