
Monday, December 17, 2012

15 Days til 2013!

Work is SO busy right now.  Shouldn't it slow down before the holidays and pick back up in January?  I don't think that memo was circulated to my office...

Since I'm busy busy today, here's just a few little thoughts:

1.  I am taking part in Nicole's New Years Challenge to lose at least 5 pounds by the end of the year.  In it to win it!  WOOT!  Which means I have 15 days to get this done!

2.  My gym bag is packed, my shoes are in my car, and I am heading to the gym after work.  #GettinItIn

3.  After some serious talking with myself and a holiday attitude adjustment, I'm back on the right track here and motivated.  Don't think that today's short post is a sign of things to come.  From writing everything I eat to tracking my exercise, I'm all business.

4.  Last week's weigh in was so-so.  I knew from my exercise and eating that it wasn't going to be a blow out month for me.  I'll be posting those results under my page that you can access from the home screen.  

5.  Whenever I do my measurements I also take pictures.  As the weight starts to drop, and I grow some balls, I'll post those photos.  I'm not super comfy doing that just yet.  But I think within the next 2-3 months I should be feeling better about it.

6.  I signed up for a 5k on New Years Day.  By signing up and encouraging my friends to sign up, I think we've got a good little group together.  I took on this 5k as a challenge to myself to make myself be active on January 1st, a day that I would otherwise use as an excuse to sleep late, pig out at New Years lunch with Adam's family, and otherwise be useless.  Whether I had to walk this race alone or with a group, I was doing it.  So glad I got others involved too!

7.  I am posting my 2013 Goals in just a bit!  On the home screen a tab has been created where all of us will post our goals for this coming year.  I've been working on my list and I've nailed down some very specific things I want to accomplish in 2013.  I'm excited to tackle these tasks and push myself!

1 comment:

  1. 1. 15 days..We got this!

    2. How did you do last night?

    3. Glad to hear your bk on track and all business. :) lol

    4. Im sure you did fine, minor set bk..Just keep moving forward.

    5. Can't wait to see, its always motivational to look back on pictures.

    6. It will be fun! Im excited to do it too.

    7. I'll get mine up

    <3 that quote!
