
Tuesday, December 18, 2012


After my 1st race (Old Man River 1/2 marathon on 12/18/11) I set a goal to do 12 races in a year. Counting that first race and all of my other races in 2012, That completes my 12 races in a year. Pretty cool to see them all laid out. :) I will be joining in with the group to post my list under the "2013 goals" tab. I have to go over my 2012 list and take off things that I accomplished and add to the goals that were not yet achieved or are simply a work in progress...I will post it by Jan 1st.

Workouts for this week...were sparse! :( I had a planned office Christmas lunch to attend Tuesday which got the ball rolling for me to slack...Then Wednesday, I HAD to get my nails done at lunch. I only made it to the gym 3 days this week. Here is the breakdown:
Monday:Gym->Chest/Bk/Tri & Abs
Tuesday: Skipped!
Thursday:Gym->Elliptical 30mins=3.24miles=420cals
Friday:Gym->Treadmill 1.1 mile in 12min + Chest/Bk/Bi/Tri &Legs
Saturday:Dancing @ Christmas party & Sunday:House cleaning & a lot of Laziness...
Beat the New Year Goal->Loose 5 lbs by Jan 1st
I am excited that my frands have joined in on the challenge! I think its great we have a goal to work towards to help push us a little during this end of the yr holiday season. That being said this stats: Last week: WEEK 1/Dec11:181.4 lbs
WEEK 2/Dec18: 181.2 lbs
Whomp..Whomp...a loss but nothing great.  Not surprised w 3 days @ the gym last week and lots of eating...but I still have time and I plan to do much better this week!
***2 weeks left!!***

Goals this week: Get to the gym M-F.  I'd also like to get in a run or workout one day this weekend.  This weekend will spill into next week bc I have a 1/2 day at wk on Friday and then I have off wk Mon & Tues for the Christmas holidays. During this time off...I hope to keep on schedule and still get in my workouts on those days. It will be tough with needing to get shopping/wrapping done and family/food/fun time but Im hoping for the best.

Merry Christmas Everyone!


  1. VERY proud of you for getting your races in!!!!!

    i know how you feel about only losing a little, but a loss is a loss!!!!! i'm excited to see how i did on my first week of weight watchers tomorrow!

  2. TY <3. I need the scoop on WW! R u just doing it online? Going in somewhere? School me on how these points wk. I need lots of help n the diet dept!
