
Friday, July 5, 2013

37 pounds a counting!

Good morning everyone!! I hope everyone had a happy and safe independence day!!

My Friday weigh in went awesome!! It's 237.4 yay!!

Sorry the picture is upside down when I saved it to my computer is was perfect then I tried uploading it and now it's upside down...Makes no sense...

Today is day 43 of my juice fast and I feel awesome! One of the guys I work with and his wife keep telling I'm going to pass out one day but i'm good! Joe Cross can do this, then I can do this! :)

Tomorrow I'll be at a BBQ watching everyone handle up on ribs, baked beans, potato salad, boston butt, cole slaw, cookies, cakes, booze while I'll be enjoying my mean green, unbeetable, and carrot apple! This won't be the first time I've had to watch people eat though so I've got this!!

As far as the plank challenge. It's TOUGH!! I'm on 30 seconds which sounds easy but it's NOT!! I'm not sure how the rest of the month will go with that. I'll keep y'all posted.

I hope everyone has an awesome weekend!!!


  1. AH-MAZ-ING!!! So excited for your success!!!

    & Yea Ummm... 30 secs DOES NOT sound easy to any one whose done it. I feel ya honey! I did my longest one ever the other day and it was 1min 30 seconds and I just about died.

    1. Thanks girl!! I can NOT wait to get to ONEderland!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      I can't imagine doing a 1 minute plank right
