
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Sweet Summertime...

  JULY IS HERE...The countdown has begun!

Im so ready for vacation & some beach action!!! I got a small taste of it this past weekend. I booked a girls overnight trip for my mamma and I to the Beau Rivage  in Biloxi, MS. Only we decided to bring along the kids. We drove up on Sunday morning and spent the day poolside. Then we went see the Bello Nock show "Funambula" Sunday night. The show was awesome. I thought for sure Bella would fall asleep. She was worn out and kept saying how tired she was but to my surprise she stayed fully awake and entertained the whole show. CJ also loved it! His favorite part was the contortionist, she was amazing.  The whole show I just kept saying..."WOW" "NO WAY". If you get a chance go see it this summer! 

Its been a busy week...
Out with the Old and in with the NEW...Rings true this week! 

The New Car
I traded in my car on Friday. One might say a "downgrade".  Its not as big.  Its not the top of the line. Its not all decked out w dvd player and leather like my Denali was...BUT I got a brand new 2014 Mazda Cx5 Sky Active.  I had to put the Sky Active part, not that I knew what it meant...but that's the WOW factor..from what I hear. lol Sky Active is basically just the brand new 2014 technology.  They re-did the entire car, engine, etc to make it the most fuel efficient car on the market.  Its so fun to drive. I love it! and getting 25-32 mpg is Super Awesome!!! Especially with my next BIG news....

The New House...Yes we put our offer in and it was accepted!!!! Now, Im still nervous because we have to have all the paperwork finalized and inspections done.  So Im not spreading the news to far just yet...(blog post is not quite the same as spreading it on FB lol) but Im excited to think that I could be in a new house and my kids in new great schools this school year!!! Which starts in just a few weeks...EEK! So the next few weeks we will be super busy, stressful, nerve racking, etc. But hopefully all very worth it in the end. 

With everything that went on this past week I managed to get in a few workouts but I do feel BLAH about myself. I need to get on track with my diet. Its been way out of control!! Luckily I haven't seen much of a gain, Im still in my range but it won't get better at this rate...

Last Weeks Workouts: 
6/24 Mon: Gym-> Chest & Tri's
6/25 Tues: Gym-> Spin Class:1 hr
6/26 Wed: Gym-> Bk & Bi's
6/27 Thurs: Gym-> Spin Class:1 hr (no collage)

This coming weekend is the July 4th weekend...Thursday, July 4th We  are going to the  Zephyr's baseball game. Im sure we will BBQ/Fireworks at some point this weekend.  I hope everyone has a fun and safe holiday!


  1. wa wa waaaaaaa! is you give me a ride baby?!?!?!

    can't wait to get dets on the new house! (EMAIL ME NOW!!) you know we are there when your ready to get movin!!!!!!

  2. Can't wait to ride ya! lol :D

    Wwwwaaaaa!!!! Excited/Newrous/Anxious/Emailed ya! lol

  3. so many exciting things going on for you now girl!! That's awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
