Things are starting to settle down in my neck of the woods...Which by the way is now on the North Shore!!! :)
<~Bell & I: Afternoon playing @ the lake front
We moved in last week. We spent the weekend unpacking and got everything set up that we need to function. Still some boxes to go through but mainly just boxes of pictures, bags of blankets/sheets, mics crap. The fun part of decorating still needs to happen but I will probably take my time with that and just go room by room. I want it all done NOW but its such an investment and I don't want to waste money on cheap stuff. So it can wait, for now.
Everyday/night I spend in the house, I love it more and more. Before moving in..someone asked "This is your final move right" (Mind you, This is only my 2nd house btw) and my response was "No. This isn't my "dream" house but its on the NS and in a great school district and that was the main goal." Well, I was wrong! I love this house!!! I thought, just looking at empty space, there wouldn't be enough storage for us. Come to find out... (defiantly due to all the purging) We are all moved in and unpacked and the attic, downstairs closet, and a few kitchen cabinets are still EMPTY. Everyone closets have lots of room left, even with our stuff in it. So I was very happy and surprised. There is a shed/barn thing in the back yard but there is no garage, but we still have lots of room in the shed area. I wanted "land" ...and we are in a culdesac that backs woods but its not an acre of open land, like I was visioning. That being said, I love sitting out on the patio or under the front porch and watching the birds and squirrels in the yard. I will soon be investing in a front porch swing, a bird bath and some feeders So we can watch more animals play.
CJ is adjusting to a new school. He has made a few friends. He has said over and over how much he loves our new house. He also LOVES riding the bus and thinks its the coolest thing ever. I think he's just enjoying having some independence. He seems to be more relaxed with school work. Although we are only in the 2nd week of school, we haven't had any crazy amounts of homework (YET). Therefore I am more
With all that happening I haven't been blogging....Also bc although I've still been going to the gym for lunch. My diet has been sucking big time. I had our house packed including pots/pans/dishes/etc. So for the last month (at least) we have been eating nothing but fast food/restaurants every night, McDs or donuts for breakfast...everything and anything BAD! By some miracle and the grace of GOD..I have still been maintaining! Guess its all the packing/moving boxes/unpacking...Who Knows...But I'll take it! Need to get back on trct soon though...holidays are right around the corner!! :/
Hope everyone has a great week ahead!