Wednesday, September 18, 2013

One Hot Minute

83 days to be exact since I last posted and here I am, still weighing in at 168.2 lbs as of today which is .4 lbs less than when the blog was started on 10/4/2012. In retrospect, this is very disappointing. I can see now where my main problem lies. I’m content.  I’m content with my personal life, I’m content with my job, and I’m apparently content with my weight seeing how I’ve made no real progress!

This has got to end. I am over weight, out of breath, and spreading in the hips! So yesterday (9/17/2013) I tied my shoes and started C25K again and today I’m going to start a 4 week plank challenge. I will keep an updated list on how this round of C25K compares to the last time.

Tuesday -
C25K 1.9 Miles/Average Pace 15:47


On another note, while the hubs and I don’t juice everyday like we should, we do make it a point to have a few juices a week. With my oldest son playing football, our evenings are super pressed for time so I haven’t been putting juicing as a priority…. after football that is!


Anyhow, here’s to getting back on the wagon!


  1. <3 that your back in the game and so motivated! Look forward to hearing about your successes!!! Excited the blog is bk up and "running" again too! :D

  2. lol, love it! can't wait to start seeing some changes!!!xoxoxox
